Arrowhead Care

You’ve probably seen at least one variety of the Arrowhead plant, Syngonium podophyllum (also known as Nephthytis). These sweet plants come in a variety of colors, climb or trail, and tolerate most household conditions making them a great addition to your indoor plant collection.

Arrowheads can tolerate lower light situations so if you have a north or east-facing window that wants a plant, an Arrowhead may be just the thing. If you are planning to place an Arrowhead in a low light area, pick a darker green variety, as the lighter varieties want brighter indirect light. Don’t expose them to full, direct sunlight or they will burn and you’ll see bleached looking areas on the leaves.

A chunky, well-draining potting mix will help your Arrowhead thrive. We like to use a mix of potting soil, orchid bark, and perlite.

They like to stay moist, so you can give your Arrowhead a good soak and let it dry out a little before watering again. Check the surface of the soil and if it’s starting to dry an inch or so down, go ahead and water again. They can stay slightly drier in fall and winter, but don’t let them dry out completely.

Syngonium will tolerate most typical household temperatures, but don’t let the temp dip below 60. They also appreciate relatively high humidity, so placing it one a pebble tray, with a group of other plants, or in an area with a humidifier is a good idea.

You can let Syngonium vine, you can train it up a trellis, or you can prune it to stay compact — just pinch back the new growth to keep the plant more manageable. It doesn’t tend to need any special fertilizer, so if you want to fertilize your Arrowhead you can use a well-balanced indoor plant fertilizer during the growing season.

If you’ve got questions or need more tips and tricks to help care for your Arrowhead plant, check out HPH on Facebook!